ScanRight™ Barcode Production Sample Testing

Barcode Graphics ScanRight™ Certification Services provide timely, inexpensive Final Certificates Of Compliance on final packaging, and Interim Production Certificates Of Compliance on packaging in development/production.

Many retailers require a Certificate Of Compliance before listing a product for sale. Retailers/manufacturers generaly require barcodes to achieve an ANSI/ISO barcode verifier grade of ‘C’ or better. Printers and manufacturers can use Barcode Graphics Certificates and Reports to confirm the grade that their production samples achieve. These Certificates and Reports can be used upstream to test that design, plates, and pre-press proofs are within specification.

ScanRight™ Third-party Certificates Of Compliance can be used to more accurately determine the quality of barcodes in dispute situations, or as a highly accurate second opinion when a barcode achieves a borderline ‘C-D’ grade. Testing can be performed on a variety of verifier devices.

Final/Interim Certificates Of Compliance, and Verifier Reports, are produced using the Axicon, QC™650, and Webscan verifiers (running ScanRight InHouse™). Verifier Scan Reflectance Profiles can be included. All verifiers used for Certification are backed by manufacturer compliance certificates, and are calibrated from NIST traceable ANSI/ISO Calibration Standards.

This service complements Barcode Graphics’ line of barcode EPS/PDF barcode masters, barcoded labels, verifiers, scanners, printers, software, and consulting services.

Email or call Barcode Graphics Inc at 1-800-CODENOW to learn more about how our barcode services, nutrition facts graphics, package review services, software & equipment will meet your requirements, and beat your expectations.