ScanRight™ Barcode Compliance Certification

Sample UPC Certificate Pg1
Sample UPC Certificate Pg2

In response to the need for accurate, timely, third-party barcode compliance testing, Barcode Graphics offers ScanRight™ Compliance Certification. Our barcode compliance certificates are produced using Axicon, QuickCheck™, and WebScan ISO/ANSI compliant barcode verifiers. These verifiers produce reflectance profiles, are backed by manufacturer certificates of compliance, and are calibrated from NIST traceable ANSI Calibration Standards.

Retailers/manufacturers currently require that POS barcodes (i.e. UPC, and EAN) achieve ANSI “C” grade or better. Most food retailers require a Final Certificate of Compliance before listing a product for sale. ScanRight™ also offers detailed Shipping Container Code (SCC), and MH10 pallet-label certification.

Printers and manufacturers can use ScanRight™ Compliance Certificates to confirm that their packaging complies with standards and other requirements. The Axicon, QuickCheck™, and WebScan verifiers are used to produce Interim Certificates Of Compliance on digital plates and pre-media proofs. Reflectance Profiles can be provided with our ScanRight™ certificates, which are very effective when diagnosing problems and determining corrective action. Many retailers also have SCC, and pallet-label requirements.

Pricing for POS Barcode Certification is $20.00 per certificate.  Simulated Press-Side Verifier Reports are $25 each.

Email or call Barcode Graphics Inc at 1-800-CODENOW to learn more about how our barcode services, nutrition facts graphics, package review services, software & equipment will meet your requirements, and beat your expectations.