Cognex TruCheck Rover™ Portable 1D & 2D Verifier


With Cognex’s TruCheck Rover™ Portable Verifier you can verify all your 1D and 2D symbols with a portable handheld verifier from Webscan, the leader in high-performance barcode verification. Cut the cord — verify barcodes anywhere, anytime, while you are on-the-go.

The TruCheck Rover™ from Webscan provides a fully integrated 2D CCD imager, integrated lighting, rechargeable battery and touchscreen for verification without any connection to a PC or other host computer.

Two model versions are available to better suit your needs. The Rover Wide Angle has a field of view to fit codes up to three inches long. The standard model has a smaller field of view and fits codes up to two inches wide.

Like all Webscan barcode verifiers, your results are calibrated and traceable to NIST standards. You are guaranteed the most accurate and repeatable verification results

Email or call Barcode Graphics Inc at 1-800-CODENOW to learn more about how our barcode services, nutrition facts graphics, package review services, software & equipment will meet your requirements, and beat your expectations.