Cognex TruCheck Optima™ 1D & 2D Verifier


With Cognex’s TruCheck Optima™ Verifier you can verify all your 1D and 2D symbols with a hand-held barcode verifier without worrying about field of view limitations. The TruCheck Optima™ is our most versatile barcode checker featuring a three-inch field of view.

With its integrated illumination and compact size, it is easy to move the unit
to where it is needed. On a label, or even on an object, the TruCheck Optima™ can get you the most accurate barcode grade. The design ensures
that the image is calibrated and in focus. Webscan’s broader product line
incorporates these hand-held and other fixed mount versions. Choose
whichever version is right for you, without compromising ease-of-use or

Email or call Barcode Graphics Inc at 1-800-CODENOW to learn more about how our barcode services, nutrition facts graphics, package review services, software & equipment will meet your requirements, and beat your expectations.