Payment Policy


LIMITED WARRANTY: If within thirty (30) days after delivery Purchaser reports products or services provided by the Vendor to not correspond with order specifications, or to be defective, Vendor’s sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace products or services, or alternatively, to refund the purchase price of, products or services if it has been paid. Vendor shall have no other obligation to replace or refund the purchase price of, products or services, nor any other liability to Purchaser with respect to same. The foregoing represents the sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser with respect to Vendor’s products and services and this limited warranty is in lieu of all others, express or implied, collateral or otherwise. Purchaser expressly waives and disclaims all damage, whether direct or consequential, arising out of the use of, or inability to use, any products or services provided by Vendor. Purchaser acknowledges that it is solely responsible for the proper usage, storage and handling of products and services purchased from Vendor; for proof reading for typographical errors before production usage; for testing adherence of stickers on product surface; and for adhering to government, industry, and Vendor guidelines outlining proper products and services usage. Guidelines are available from Vendor by E-Mail.

Email or call Barcode Graphics Inc at 1-800-CODENOW to learn more about how our barcode services, nutrition facts graphics, package review services, software & equipment will meet your requirements, and beat your expectations.